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The story of ‘Urinal alley’ in Dublin.

When Stockard Channing starred in The Importance of Being Earnest in Dublin, myself and a few people that I know attended the play. In doing so, we were…introduced to the alley behind the theatre which wasn’t exactly the nicest or comfortable place in the world. Here’s why. In Dublin, they do not have public restrooms in the way we do here and they are allowed to carry their alcohol around with them and drink as much and anywhere that they please. I mean, C’mon, we were on the tram and two guys got on there with a 12 pack of Budweiser and offered us some (Yes, we took it, we’re not fools!). So, here is MY story about Urinal Alley. I wanted to meet Stockard so bad that I started to walk down that alley whilst a young man was ‘using’ the alley as a restroom near a large dumpster. My mother and sister tried to pull me back as he ambled toward me drunkenly (listen, I was oblivious to everything but meeting Stockard) and started to talk to me. He looked down at my chest and he said, and I quote “Wow, where did you get those big…eyes?” As he looked me up and down. I thought it was funny, but my mother was not impressed. Oh man, I laughed and my mother was beside herself! It should be noted that he was very drunk and had a six pack of Coors Light in his hand. But he didn’t offer me any beer, how rude!

I must add that Stockard herself had an encounter with someone using the bathroom in the alley (I did not witness this, it was a story I heard from another theatre-goer, so I hope I get it right). And he told her “Excuse me!” and she repeated it back to him with attitude. God I would have loved to see that!

And there you have it. Urinal Alley in all it’s glory!!!

May 5, 2014 Posted by | The West Wing | 1 Comment